Friday, 30 March 2012

Proposal for Music magazine

Who are you aiming your music magazine at?

I will be aiming my 15-21 year olds, both male and female, who are fans of Indie/Rock music.

What musical genre will your magazine be from?

My audience will know that the product will be for fans of Indie/Rock music. They'll know this because of the imagery and style of my magazine.  

What titles have you decided on and why?

To help with choosing a name for my product, I looked at 'Q' which is short of 'cue' as in 'cue the music'. I took note of this and thought of the name 'Key': a short, simple name like 'Q' that also has music connotations.

What fonts do you want to use?

I used Arsis for my masthead as it is bold and striking font. I then used light Bank Gothic to cover my main cover line, as I consider the font to be unique and individual, just like the genre of music this product is based around. 

What are your ideas for a tagline?

I am currently unsure on the content of the tagline for my product, although I will keep in mind that the product is a new and unique style of magazine.  

What kind of image do you expect to put on the front cover?

I will most probably take a similar approach to the image for my music magazine then the one of my student magazine, with a half or full body shot  with the artist looking at the camera. I will also keep in my mind that I need to capture the image so that there is appropriate space for text. 

How much will your magazine sell for?


What are your ideas for cover lines?

At the moment, I'm not completely sure. However, I'm going to have to include information about my main article, and along with that, possibly current well known artists.  

What images do expect to use on your contents page?

The main image will be of the main article and possibly take pictures of my music technology group. 

What will your double page spread be about? What are your initial ideas for images?

I'm sure I will take a Q&A approach to forming this part of my product, with a single image covering most of the page. 

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