Students that are either present or new to the college.
What will your magazine be about?
Current news and affairs along with assistance and guidence in specific topics.
What are your ideas for cover lines?
My cover lines will most probably be advice articles, such as 'job hunting tips' and 'work management'.
What title have you decided on and why?
SouthDowns Success, purely because it is simple, yet catching because of the double 'S' sound.
What fonts do you want to use?
I'm not sure, currently, but I may just stick to going with 1 or 2 different fonts, just to keep it simple.
What are your ideas for tag lines?
The ultimate guide to a successful college life.
When in the year will it be published?
Either the start of the summer holidays, a couple of months prior to the start of the new college year. This will give time for upcoming students to read up on information and events so they will be prepared for the start of their college career.
How frequent will it be published?
My magazine will be published monthly.
What are the size dimensions of the cover?
My magazine size will be A4.
What images/colour would you use on the contents page?
I will definitely stick to a constant colour scheme, possibly black and white so it makes the cover lines and imagery stand out and easily readable.